Kansas Emergency |
The Kansas Emergency Management Association (KEMA) gives out annual KEMA scholarships.
The KEMA Scholarship is intended to further the training and education of current and future Emergency Managers of Kansas by expanding their knowledge of emergency management and enhancing their ability to prepare for, mitigate, respond to, and recover from disasters.
The Kansas Emergency Management Association (KEMA) is pleased to announce its annual call for applications for the KEMA Scholarship! A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded. The application period will be open until August 31, 2024 at 5PM. Any applications received after that time will not be eligible. Read the updated full scholarship announcement here.
Download the 2024 scholarship application and full requirements here.The following documentation should be included with your application:
This scholarship is awarded to a current KEMA Member and/or student seeking professional development or a degree in the field of emergency or disaster management, Homeland Security, or a closely related field. Applicants must be a resident of the State of Kansas and demonstrate the values of KEMA: professionalism, teamwork, responsiveness, and leadership. Scholarship committee members, KEMA Board Members, previous year award recipients and their families are not eligible to receive the scholarship. Applicant must obtain an overall grade point average of at least a 3.0 and at least a 3.0 on all EM / DSM coursework for undergraduate work and a 3.0 for graduate work respectively.
If you have questions, contact KEMA Scholarship Committee Chair, Morgan Hunter.